
I'll go where you want me to go!

I'll go where you want me to go!

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Icing on the Cake

Well this week has been one heck of a ride. Tuesday we had interviews with President. Which was good. I needed a good talk with him. I was down and out and he helped me out. President isn't the type that will cry with you or give a lollipop but he is hard and builds you up. And that is exactly what I needed. It was really good. Things in the area aren't going to well. The members are still favoring the Elders over us and no one no one wants to follow Christ. But hey that's the mission. You have to take it's ups and downs. Thursday we went to lunch at a members restaurant which was really really cool. We went back to our house after lunch. S.O. tried opening the door but the key wasn't working. Then I was like let me try. We were in the front of the door for about ten minutes trying to figure it out. Then we noticed that the lock had a screw missing. S.O. pushed down on the handle and the door opened. On our table there was a blanket and Bernard (my brand new guitar) was missing. We were like hmm maybe the Elders that take care of the houses came in and needed something. We walked more into the house and we had been robbed. Our room was a disaster clothes all over the place. They took everything. All that we had left was our clothes and each other. It was really really crazy and sad and scary. Then it was a circus afterwards. The bishop and his wife came, then we had to go the police station and fill out a report. Then President came and we had like this family meeting. He and Sister Martins sat on our couch and me and S.O. sat in the chairs and they gave us this pep talk. So we slept with them again and then the locks got changed and then we are staying in our house until the transfers Wednesday because President asked us to which is fine. We are pretty sure who did it and we know that they aren't going to come back. We are all packed and ready to be transferred. The good thing is that we weren't harmed and didn't have to go through some kind of horror experience. We were the lucky ones. So President gave us permission to go the Temple and do work and fill uplifted in the things of the Lord. One day as we were walking leaving the Temple this lady stopped us and she was a member and she was like I served a mission three years ago I love Sisters can I buy you guys Mcdonalds? We were like ya you can. And Mcdonalds here is super expensive. Every meal is almost $20 so we were like ya girl. So we talked with her and had like this therapy session she helped out a lot. And today we are with a member who loves us a lot and she gave us both flat irons and jewelry and took us to the store and bought us both branding spanking new tennis shoes. And made us lunch. We have about five families who are gold to us in the ward that exactly care about us so we were super excited and super grateful. The moral of the story is. "Why do bad things happen to good people?" So we can learn and grow. Every experience good and bad the Lord wants us to learn one thing from it. And it's better to learn that one thing now and with grace then kicking and screaming because he see that we still haven't learned what we needed to learn. I love my mission there are days were I'm like what am I doing here but then I think real quick about our Savior and all that he did for me and how easy I have it and my mouth shuts real quick. Is it easy? Heck no!!! But it's not suppose to be. 


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