
I'll go where you want me to go!

I'll go where you want me to go!

Monday, May 23, 2011

How birthday's are celebrated on a mission

Well my pictures aren`t working again how lame is that. I will take this problem to the Bishops not the Bishop but the American family in my ward they can help me out they are all super smart when it comes to the computer and things. I really don`t have time to mess with the camera while I`m on here. Only have a hour.

So Simone and Juarez turns out are already married and don`t have to wait forever to get married so they get to get baptized on the 12th of June and then we are going to have a little wedding ceremony on the 18th of June for them it will be rad. They are so cute they are so ready. They are golden. I love them to death. Caremlino and Susana and Karen received the Holy Ghost yesterday at church that was cool. Karoline still isn`t ready to be baptized. That is ok it will be a ward baptism. So that is all good. My Birthday was wierd. Like i worked all day made the cake and we put the candles in it and sang and ate cake and then we went back to work. It is so different in the field. Sister Cooley the mission president wife called me and wished me Happy Birthday so that was cool. She is such a doll I just love her. But really I was to stressed with the work to be like it`s my Birthday besides it`s not really a Birthday unless you are with family and friends and good food. Don`t get me wrong the fun fetti cake and fun fetti frosting was the bomb just not the same it happens. Yesterday we did spilts with the two Bruna from our ward. They kill me we hit doors for two hours. It is so fun with them. I love the people of my ward. They are awesome. This week has been hard I miss Sister Knudsen like crazy and it`s hard to learn a new person and understand them and find what they need and to be the woman in charge. Whew there has been a lot of praying. Sister Macedo is cool. She is from Bahia and beautiful. She is a bit a crazy person. She is really quiet during the day but when we get home she wants to play and be crazy and I just want to sleep so I`m trying to figure out her balance. Carol who is this amazing member in the ward she served a mission and is so legit. She gave this epic talk in Sacrament and then gave the lesson in Relief Society. She was like Sister White come up here. She tied a bandana around my eyes and spun me around until I was dizzy. Then she said do you trust me and I said yes. So then she was like ok I am going to leave your side and go somewhere else in the room, and I want you to follow my voice. So I did it I was worried I was going to hit a chair or run into a stroller but I finally got to her. She was like see your safe and happy and gave me a hug and had me sit down. Then she said that that example was like our faith in the Lord. When we are here on earth we don`t see him but we have faith that we will return to him and that while we are here he will lead us in the right direction, he will never lead us a stray it is the fact that we have to have faith in him. He only wants the best for us. Everyone was crying. Then the light bulb went on. I was like ok this is just like right now. I am freaking out being senior companion but the Lord knows I can do it and has faith in me. He will not let me fail, he has provided a way for me to complete it I just have to be the one that has faith him. How amazing is that lesson. He has from the beginning had faith in us and it is our job to have faith in him. Sometimes we get caught up in the whole me me but really it`s all about the Lord. Hasn`t it always been?

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