
I'll go where you want me to go!

I'll go where you want me to go!

Saturday, April 9, 2011 happens

Well this week was full of good times. Monday night we went to check on Maria and Manuel and the door was open when we arrived. Maria wasn`t looking to good. She then was like I don`t want you guys to come to my house anymore, you are not messengers of God but messengers of Satan. Sis K started crying and I was like what the heck is going on. Then Maria calmed down and said sorry. We sang Where Can I Turn For Peace and left them with a prayer. It is so sad. They are not willing to change to follow Christ. They both know that the church is true, but they don`t want to change there lives around. Well at least we planted a seed.
Tuesday, we made Conference flyers to pass out to investiagtors and members of the ward. They turned our pretty cool. I really like that idea. Our other investigator, Francisco has not been home when he says he is home. So, this week we are going to have the hour of truth with him. Which I have never done, but I guess it has to be done. We have to tell them that we know this church is true and ask them if they want to follow Christ or not and if not, we have to go find and teach the people that want to follow Christ. So stay tuned for that one.
Sis K. was sick for two days with bad womenly problems so I got a lot done. Reading, paper work. It was good. It`s so boring when your companion is sick. It`s not like you can turn on TV or call a friend hahaha.
We made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Sonia and Daiane. They loved them. They were so good. And we placed them in the peanut butter jar. It is now our cookie jar. We didn`t have a district meeting becasue we were having zone conference on Friday that is what the point of the cookies was for. And well you know Elders not the best with telling us all details, so we had already made the cookies so that is what they were used for.
We made a contract with Sonia and Daiane that for two months staright they would go to church. And they have these past three sundays it`s awesome. Pretty soon I don`t think they will be in the less active caterory anymore. On thursday Elders Concalves and Elder Morsises came to our area to interview Noemi and help us out. It was really cool to work with them. They are our district leaders as well. Noemi still has not come to church, so now her baptism is for the 24th of April we have been fasting and praying a lot that she get`s baptized. She is elect. It is her time.
So, zone conference was amazing. There are five zones in our zone and about two districts in each zone with about ten missionaries total. So it was way fun. The sisters always sit in the front. One elder was conducting and was like and Elder Mosires well give the prayer and Sister White will lead us in our purpose. I was like oh boy. So I went up there and threw it down. All my elders where super proud of me ahahaha. Lunch was provided and we all got letters and packages I love getting mail it really is the best. Sis K . got a huge package from her best friend we were pretty excited to bust that open that night. It was full of love and chocolate so good. But zone conference was awesome. It was a good spirtiual booster. I wish we had them once a month. Then General Conference. Well we were having problems with the TV and we almost couldn`t watch it in English, I was almost in tears and then we said a prayer and then the sound worked. No picture, but at least we had sound. It was awesome. It was so crazy to think that I was almost in tears about not being able to watch it in english and I am in Brazil. The techonlgy of the Church is truly amazing. I am so grateful for all the hard work that the memebers do with the translators to help members all over the world hear a prophet called from God talk to us about how we can return to him. It is truly amazing. The more I teach this gospel the more I am amazed and impressed by it`s ever blessing promises, all we have to do is follow Jesus Christ to have eternal life. I think that is pretty fair, don`t you?

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