
I'll go where you want me to go!

I'll go where you want me to go!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Rich People are Funny

This week has has it`s up and downs. Really it was more in the downs but what can you do? The good thing is is that I still love my companion. She is my new BBF for those that are wondering I have made a new meaning. We are all familar with BFF well BBF is Brasilain Best Friend. I just love her. This area is really hard. Well hold on it`s not really the area that`s hard, becasue that isn`t fair to the area. It`s the missionaries. Not saying that we suck. We are just lost. We have to learn how to work here. We just want to teach. It is so hard to feel like a missionary when your not teaching. Or teaching but no one is down for commitments, ya it`s real cute when people do that. Everyone works here and has no time for anyone, barely enough time to talk with us for five minutes. It is hard on the heart. You can`t help but get down. Luckily my companion is my BBF and when everything around is falling I can have faith and hope with her, that girl is my rock. I am blessed because I have already passed through times when it all hits the fan and on top of that you have a really bad companion. But that is in the past and I hope it stays in the past. So let`s talk about rich people really fast. They are funny. Even the food they eat is different. We had pizza the other day for dinner with this family. And what was on the pizza? No it wasn`t pepporini and chesse. It was tuna. And not the starkist tuna but the fat piece of tuna that is way way yummy. We were like wow. And the other day we were eating lunch and the irma was like who is giving the lunch message. With every lunch it is our duty to leave a powerful lunch message with the members for them to be strong. Anyway my companion was like I will. The irma was like dang I want you to give it Sister White because I want to hear it in english. I was like we can do that. I was a little nervous but I gave this simple but powerful message about the love and mercy of our Jesus Christ and that he loves us all no matter our color or weight or if we are dumb or smart. And I showed her a picture that I carry in my scriptrues of Jesus Christ holding a little black boy by Liz Lemon Swindle. And I explained that this factor is very important to me because I am adopted and my mom is white and the irma started crying. She started to explain to us that two of her children are adopted and that they aren`t prospering in the gospel and she is happy to see that it all worked out for me. Then I said that my companion is adopted too she started crying even more. It was a really cool powerful moment. The spirit was really strong. Every area I pass through there is always a person that reminds me of someone from my family. So our ward mission leader is exactly like my Uncle Kenney. It is so funny and warm. I feel like I am at home. Then there is this new Sister and she is American. And she has a voice exactly like my cousin Angela it is so funny and talks just like her, her manner and what not. I love it. I can always find a piece of home in 5,000 miles away from home. 

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