
I'll go where you want me to go!

I'll go where you want me to go!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't miss me. I'm right here!

Pasterized milk for the elders, man I miss cartoon milk

Brazilians and there first taste of oreos, lets just say they were happy

That would be my district, notice how me and Sis K. are just standing there in the middle smiling. Oh how I love the elders and my district. The one with his butt in the air yes he would be a Zone Leader....

Me and Helen she is super cute, making dough for the pasta we were going to have, the dough is the noodles.

Me and Bruna and Jennifer they are in my ward and I have become really close with them, I love them alot, and this day we all had the same color on so of course we took a picture.

How the Heck is it Monday Again?

Well last monday we had FHE at Carol and Victor house. They are really cool, they have a little baby and both served missions so they love us. He made us tapicoa. I was like oh no i dont do tapicoa but its the flour that makes tapicoa and you sift it and mix it with a little water and salt through it in a frying pan but some ham and cheese in it and cook it. It is so good. It looks like a taco. But it does not taste like tapicoa. I have no clue to explain it hahahah. Then Tuesday we were running late and we literally ran to the bus and just barely made it. We brought oreos for the elders. The Americans were so happy. And the Brazilians were nervous but loved it. They thought we were crazy for dipping it in milk then they tried it and it was rad. It was so funny to watch there faces. We have a new investigator Patricia. She is super strong in the Congreatacao so the doctrine is hard for her to understand that is to bad. We have taught her four times this week and she just isnt ready. But like i always say we planted the seed. Then we had another investiator named Marcia. She was a reference from a guy in the ward named Devanir. She has some mental problems and its really hard to teach her. The State took her son away becasue she cant take care of him to well. So we went back the next day to teach her and he was there. He was gone for 4 months. So we were watching her with him and im not sure if she is stable enough to have him. Ugh it was hard to watch. So that was intresting. But she wasnt progressing she just has to many problems in her head and we cant help her. The Lord knows she is special and he will take care of her. So in the same apartment complex we meet and taught Luz-Helena she is really cool. She was totally down for the baptism invite and the lesson and loves us. But hey who wouldnt? But she had to go to Sao Paulo so she should be back later. We need her to go to church. Wednesday was the awesome day. The morning was rough all of our lessons fell through so we went to hit doors and we get on this street and knock a door and this girl comes out and at the same time this man in a car asks for directions so Sis K. pulls out her map to go help him and then I take up the courage to talk to the girl. And she was like are you from America and was like ya. She was like you can talk english to me, and she said it in english. I was like what. She lived in Austraila for a year and learned english. She is awesome. So then she asked me so many questions. It was awesome. And i was responding in english and port. It was funny. She was like if you guys ever need anything let me know... So Tuesday we are going back to teach her because she is going to the beach. Which is 4 hours from here, just a side note for those that wanted to know.  Then the man Sis K. taught he spoke english too he teaches english. But he lives in Soracaba so that stinks we cant teach him. Then later night we went to Jennifer but she wasnt home then we saw man standing in front of her house and we went to do a contact with him and he was like hey hey i am a member and i need to come back. Douglas. He was awesome. His wife isnt a member but she wants to get baptized. So we went over there the next day and taught her the first lesson. She is really cool. They have two little girls and they are golden. We picked them up on Sunday for church and they gave us a ride. They are so cool. I love them. He had a bunch of friends at church that welcomed him back. And she has been to church before. So that was cool. So after church and lunch. Sis K. taught piano lessons and then we went to there house to invite her to be baptized. Her friends came in during the lesson and Sis K didnt skip a beat. That is the thing about Brasil people just walk in during your lesson and you say hi and give kissess and carry on. I was worried that Adnely would be wierd becasue her friends were there but she just keep on listening to our message, and then Sis K. invited her to be baptized. And she said it was awesome. We left on a high note. I love them they are perfect. She is golden. And she has such good support from her husband it is going to be great. Noemi didnt come to church again. So the ball is in her court. We have done all we could. You have no idea how hard it is to leave them behind but when they arent progressing we have to move on. We have to find the elect. And then one more awesome experence. We were hitting doors in Chave and i walked by a house and the door was open and i saw three kids in wheelchairs and the mom was cooking. I was like no she is busy she wont want to hear us so I kept walking then i felt the spirt tell me so strongly SISTER WHITE GO BACK THERE. So I told Sis K. and she said ok you talk to her and i did and she let us in. She has 7 kids three are in wheelchairs. They are totally cohernt its just there bodies that dont work. So the spirt was so strong i almost cried. Sister K has a brother that is speical needs too so she was filling the spirit too it was intense. Salete cant read so we are going to help her learn how to read. We left the gospel of J.C. with her and her 11 year old daughter Giovanna was going to read to her and the family that night. They are awesome. I am so grateful that I am serving a mission and worthy enough to have the holy ghost with me 24/7 for moments like that. He truly is amazing. Things are picking up here in Votorantim.

Monday, April 18, 2011

It's Already Been 5 Months

So, last Monday, we made brownies to take to Sonia house for FHE. We got there and not everyone was there, it was just Sonia and Helen so we just went with it. We shared the message well I did and then we ate brownies. It was good. Then Sonia was like you guys need food let me whip up something and we were like no no we are good. But did she listen no. She came back and there was some green liquid and my cup and I was like what is this. They were like it`s abacate(avocado). I was like what. They were like just drink it. Ok it was abacate, powder milk, water, and a little bit of sugar blended together. It was heaven. Sounds gross and really it looks gross but it is so good. It`s almost like a milkshake. Here they only have avocado sweet not salty like us. So anyways we ended up staying way late there and had to take the bus home and got home at 10. Opps. Don`t worry we called our ZL`S so it was all good. We went home and slept. Then when we woke up on Tuesday we didn`t workout we just made these pastels for the elders. And it took longer than we thought. So we had to dress super fast and get to the terminal to catch the bus. So the bus leaves at 8:25 we left the house at 8:15 and we had to go to the bank and make copies and put money on our bus cards. It looked like a scene from Amazing Race. We are two Americans running through the streets all kinds of crazy. I have a fat tuber ware box in my hand and Sis K. is holding Preach My Gospel it was insane, but we barely made it to the bus. It was awesome we were sweating on the bus man. Then at district meeting the activity was to show the faith. So we had to run around the chapel and find ballons and come back to a certain room and poop them and there were little sheets inside. Whoever got the 17 papers first won. So of course Sis K and I won. Leave it to the Sisters. We killed the Elders. We won a fat Hershey bar. I love our companionship. We were so happy we didn`t workout in the morning I don`t know if we could have done it.

Douglas and Adnely are doing good. She is really hard to read though. She has questions but never asks them so we are still working on her. But she has a date to be baptized on the 6th of May so we are pumped. Then we were knocking doors and this young woman came to the door. She was really cool. She never heard of our church and wanted to know more. So we gave her a little piece of what we beleive. Her name is Paloma and she was like ya I`m Cathoclic but I never feel that burning at church. She said she didn`t have time to talk to us but after that sentence we were both salavating at the mouth. Sis K. worked her magic and we got in. We taught her and her mom the 1st lesson. It went well. But they didn`t come to church. We are not giving up on them they seem golden. We had to drop Noemi that was a hard day but it had been over 6 weeks and she wasn`t coming to church. So hard to drop them. But we are here to find the elect that ones that want to follow Christ.

The other family I was talking about Salete with the handicap kids well she isn`t progressing either. She said she isn`t ready to follow the church and loves us but does not want to change her life. That is too bad we had a really strong feeling about her. We have Bia back in the pool as far as someone to baptize. We talked to Jaqulini her mom and she said they would pray about to know if it`s right. She has a lot of fear because she was baptized at 8 and fell away from the church later on and doesn`t want that to happen to Bia. So we took her the baptism clothes and that made her happy and we said imagine how beautiful she will look in this. We went back the next day and she hadn`t receive an answer yet so we invited Bia to be baptized on the 23 and they both said yes so we shall see what happens. We have a lot of faith. And Camila Sonia daughter we invited her to be baptized as well. So we shall she what happens with that. I hope it happens they are so ready.

Our English class was a but one person came. We need to make flyers and be more up on it. And now Sis K. is teaching piano we are just teaching machines. We have another new family we are teaching. Caremlino. We contacted them on the street. And he has 4 kids and a wife. They took the discussions 10 years ago but have been going to the congregation. So, they came to church on Sunday that was cool. They had to leave at the last hour because his nephew took rat poison and was dying and they had to go and take care of him. It was insane. So later that night we went and taught them, they are really cool. Oh and the nephew is ok. We invited them to be baptized but they are caught up on the whole they believe they can receive revelations and we tried to tell them that is of the Devil but they didn`t get it. I want them to be baptized they are so perfect. And another little miracle Bruna the other Bruna brought a friend to church and we are going to teach her tonight. She seems really perfect I can`t wait. This month has been a lot of having faith. Even when it seems like it`s only going to get worse we are praying and fasting a lot for faith and to find his elect.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

We made flyers for General Conference to give to everyone pretty snazzy huh?

My first zone conference there are two sisters missing from our zone in this picture i don`t know where they went. That is Sister Cooley and the two Elders are the assistants to President Cooley.

Me and Sister Steinbiegle. She leaves on the 6th of this month, That is crazy considering my first day in the field she trained me.

And another beautiful sunset in Sao Lucas.

The benefits of having a companion who get`s a package! We got the hook up man! So stoaked!!! happens

Well this week was full of good times. Monday night we went to check on Maria and Manuel and the door was open when we arrived. Maria wasn`t looking to good. She then was like I don`t want you guys to come to my house anymore, you are not messengers of God but messengers of Satan. Sis K started crying and I was like what the heck is going on. Then Maria calmed down and said sorry. We sang Where Can I Turn For Peace and left them with a prayer. It is so sad. They are not willing to change to follow Christ. They both know that the church is true, but they don`t want to change there lives around. Well at least we planted a seed.
Tuesday, we made Conference flyers to pass out to investiagtors and members of the ward. They turned our pretty cool. I really like that idea. Our other investigator, Francisco has not been home when he says he is home. So, this week we are going to have the hour of truth with him. Which I have never done, but I guess it has to be done. We have to tell them that we know this church is true and ask them if they want to follow Christ or not and if not, we have to go find and teach the people that want to follow Christ. So stay tuned for that one.
Sis K. was sick for two days with bad womenly problems so I got a lot done. Reading, paper work. It was good. It`s so boring when your companion is sick. It`s not like you can turn on TV or call a friend hahaha.
We made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Sonia and Daiane. They loved them. They were so good. And we placed them in the peanut butter jar. It is now our cookie jar. We didn`t have a district meeting becasue we were having zone conference on Friday that is what the point of the cookies was for. And well you know Elders not the best with telling us all details, so we had already made the cookies so that is what they were used for.
We made a contract with Sonia and Daiane that for two months staright they would go to church. And they have these past three sundays it`s awesome. Pretty soon I don`t think they will be in the less active caterory anymore. On thursday Elders Concalves and Elder Morsises came to our area to interview Noemi and help us out. It was really cool to work with them. They are our district leaders as well. Noemi still has not come to church, so now her baptism is for the 24th of April we have been fasting and praying a lot that she get`s baptized. She is elect. It is her time.
So, zone conference was amazing. There are five zones in our zone and about two districts in each zone with about ten missionaries total. So it was way fun. The sisters always sit in the front. One elder was conducting and was like and Elder Mosires well give the prayer and Sister White will lead us in our purpose. I was like oh boy. So I went up there and threw it down. All my elders where super proud of me ahahaha. Lunch was provided and we all got letters and packages I love getting mail it really is the best. Sis K . got a huge package from her best friend we were pretty excited to bust that open that night. It was full of love and chocolate so good. But zone conference was awesome. It was a good spirtiual booster. I wish we had them once a month. Then General Conference. Well we were having problems with the TV and we almost couldn`t watch it in English, I was almost in tears and then we said a prayer and then the sound worked. No picture, but at least we had sound. It was awesome. It was so crazy to think that I was almost in tears about not being able to watch it in english and I am in Brazil. The techonlgy of the Church is truly amazing. I am so grateful for all the hard work that the memebers do with the translators to help members all over the world hear a prophet called from God talk to us about how we can return to him. It is truly amazing. The more I teach this gospel the more I am amazed and impressed by it`s ever blessing promises, all we have to do is follow Jesus Christ to have eternal life. I think that is pretty fair, don`t you?